UCAD Mobiles Services is an initiative resulting from the authorities forward-looking vision of the challenges of integrating mobile technologies into projects for the dematerialization of administrative and academic procedures.Consequently, the penetration of mobile devices in the Ucadian community justifies the essential nature of deporting services currently dematerialized to platforms dedicated to smartphones. Accessibility to services is thus ensured with wider coverage.To this end, in this first version (to be continually enriched), the following services are deployed:• For the student:• Have a QR Code which will serve as a virtual card in the event of loss of your student card;• Receive real-time notifications of all educational information;• Download the registration certificate;• Access their profile to view their personal information;• Change your PIN code which corresponds to your password;• Access the online pre-registration platform (https://preinscriptionenligne.ucad.sn) and the student center (https://studentcenter.ucad.sn);• Make a report of lost card;• Access the notification history;• For PATS/PER staff:• Have a QR Code which will serve as a virtual card in the event of loss of your card;• Access their profile to view their personal information;• Change your PIN code which corresponds to your password;• Deliver a temporary access pass (24 hours) to UCAD to a third party contact;• Access the Digital Work Environment (https://entpersonnel.ucad.sn) among others;• Access the notification history;